
King Wave offers services within following region for GP, Open Top, Flat Rack, Reefers services with competitive rate, prompt and timely delivery.


All Middle East Ports

Upper Gulf
Iraq (Umm-Qasr and also inland points)
Indian Ports including ICDs
Pakistan with ICDs
Afghanistan via Pakistan and Iran
CIS destinations


King Wave  is the most prestigious Carrier who specializes with dedicated and prompt Service to most CIS destinations by Rail and Truck.

Jebel Ali To CIS – By Rail
Chukursay 0 days
Tashkent 20 days
Akaltin 20 days
Almaty 30 days
Astana 30 days
Taldykurgan 30 days
Mangyshlak 30 days
Dushanbe 30 days
Bishkek 30 days
Jebel Al To CIS – By Rail
Baku 7 days
Ashgabad 7 days
Tblisi 10 days
Almaty 25* days
Bishkek 25* days
Dushanbe 30 days
Tashkent 25 days
Atyrau 25 days
Akasi 25 days
Aktau 30 days
Aktobe 25 days
Yerevan 10 days
Meghri 7 days

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